At Aspire, we believe chamber engagement in community and legislative issues echoes our investor's' collective voice and demonstrates strong leadership. This in turn positively impacts the health of our local business climate.

Aspire's Business Advocacy Council is comprised of 12 dues paying members whose central responsibilities are:
- develop the organization’s annual policy agenda for board approval,
- monitor state and local issues that develop and/or are brought to our attention by members,
- recommend positions and actions to the board of directors where appropriate.

Aspire members are always encouraged to contact their elected officials directly to discuss issues impacting their businesses.
For your convenience, elected officials and web links are listed below. If you are not sure who your elected representatives are, you can find out here.
Johnson County
Bargersville Town Council
Edinburgh Town Council
Franklin City Council
Franklin Mayor's Office
Greenwood City Council
Greenwood Mayor’s Office
Johnson County Commissioners
Johnson County Council
New Whiteland Town Council
Prince's Lake Town Council
Trafalgar Town Council
Whiteland Town Council
Southern Indianapolis
Johnson County
Senator Rodric Bray, Dist. 37
Senator Aaron Freeman, Dist. 32
Senator Cyndi Carrasco, Dist. 36
Senator Greg Walker, Dist. 41
Representative Michelle Davis, Dist. 58
Representative Robb Greene, Dist. 47
Representative Craig Haggard, Dist. 57
Representative Peggy Mayfield, Dist. 60
Southern Indianapolis
Senator Aaron Freeman, Dist. 32
Senator Cyndi Carrasco, Dist. 36
Representative Julie McGuire, Dist. 93
Representative Andrew Ireland, Dist. 90
Johnson County
Senator Todd Young
Senator Jim Banks
Congressman Jefferson Shreve
Southern Indianapolis
Senator Todd Young
Senator Jim Banks
Congressman Jefferson Shreve

Below are tips Aspire recommends for contacting your elected officials and advocating your issue (these tips have been adapted from the Indiana Chamber of Commerce:
- Be informed.
- Do your own thinking and research.
- Above all, be accurate.
- Know the strengths and weaknesses of your issue.
- Understand the importance of compromise and building consensus, particularly when it comes to funding. Your issue is not the only good cause needing new, sustained or increased funding.
- Understand the law- and policy-making process.
- When addressing your state and federal legislators, the proper salutations are “Dear Senator ___” or “Dear Representative ___.” When writing your local elected official, the proper salutations are “Dear Mayor ___” and “Dear Councilor ___.”
- Where possible, refer to the bill or ordinance number of the legislation of interest.
- Be clear and concise in explaining how the proposed or existing legislation affects your business and why you support or oppose it.
- Request that your elected official take specific action by telling him or her the outcome you seek. (“I’d like you to vote in support of HB 1011.”)
- Discuss only one issue per call, email, or letter.
- For all communication, don’t assume the elected official knows you are from his/her district.
- State that you are a constituent or resident, and always include your mailing address and telephone number.