Aspire Volunteer Opportunities: Make a Difference and Build your Network

Are you looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity to make a positive impact on the community, and on Aspire Economic Development + Chamber Alliance?
Do you want to build your personal network of community and business leaders?
Economic development begins with community and workforce development – creating the type of community where businesses and workforce talent thrives. Broad in scope, this work focuses on the fabric of the community and the tangible infrastructure. Collaboration is key.
Dedicated volunteers are central to Aspire’s community development and investor engagement success. Our volunteers come from the community and private business sector. They work to position the Johnson County area more competitively in the marketplace.
All Aspire volunteer teams have openings! We welcome new volunteers eager to help make our community a great place to live, work, learn and play!
Here are four volunteer teams where you can get involved.
Aspire Ambassador Team
Purpose: Investor Engagement and Business Success. The Aspire Ambassador Team mentors new Aspire member investors. It also connects and introduces member investors to other investors, as well as connects them to resources within the community. This work fosters member engagement, supports business success, and strengthens the local economy.
What you will do: You will meet as a team for one hour every other month to stay apprised of key Aspire programs and community happenings, then host a one-hour coffee networking reception (“Coffee Connections”) every other month for all mentees. You will also spend a couple of hours per month independently checking in on your mentees to coach them on Aspire investor services, make introductions, and connect them with business resources.
How to get involved: Open to Aspire member investors by successful application. Contact Alexandria Wheeler at
Aspire Growth+ Planning Team
Purpose: Community Development. The Aspire Growth + Planning Team encourages proactive planning that promotes a thriving, connected, and inclusive community. This team helps evaluate travel, internet and utility connectivity throughout Johnson County and works to connect industry experts with opportunities for economic growth.
What you will do: You will meet as a team for 90 minutes every month to work on community development projects. You may also spend a couple of hours per month working on a task force or independently to tackle initiatives and gather information.
How to get involved: Open to all interested individuals regardless of Aspire investment. Contact Jennifer Hollingshead at
Aspire Talent Attraction + Retention Team
Purpose: Workforce Development. The Aspire Talent Attraction + Retention Team seeks to understand the current needs of our employers and community. It serves as a convening resource to build a workforce for the present and the future, acknowledging there are a variety of pathways for education and successful careers. The team desires to build a county-wide network that will develop, train, recruit and retain talent.
What you will do: You will meet as a team for 90 minutes every month to work on community development projects and educational programs. You may also spend a couple of hours per month working on a task force or independently to tackle initiatives and gather information.
How to get involved: Open to all interested individuals regardless of Aspire investment. Contact Jennifer Hollingshead at
Aspire Community Engagement Team
Purpose: Community Development. What makes Johnson County a great place to live, work, play and learn? What attracts families and companies here? And what else do we need to make our communities even more attractive? The Aspire Community Engagement Team works to capitalize on our pride of place, assets, and potential to promote health, happiness and well-being while connecting and representing all voices of the community.
What you would do: You will meet with the team for 60 minutes every month to work on community development projects and educational programs. You may also spend a couple of hours per month working on a task force or independently to tackle initiatives and gather information.
How to get involved: Open to all interested individuals regardless of Aspire investment. Contact Jennifer Hollingshead at