Branding Your Business Like a Boss

By Charrie Stambaugh, owner of Photog Boss Babe, LLC | | 7.8.24

Charrie Stambaugh, owner of Photog Boss Babe, LLC
181 S. Madison Ave, Greenwood IN 46142

We all know that branding your business is important. Branding sets the stage for your company's identity and public perception. It's not only the visual elements such as logo, colors, design--but it's the overall feel of your company's values, reputation, and experience.

Have you ever asked someone who didn't know your company to take a gander at your graphics, photos, website, social media, and print collateral? You should. Ask them... "What do you feel and think when you see my business information for the first time?" This exercise can help you identify areas in which you can improve--to give your business a stronger edge to the competition.

Your online presence and print materials are literally the first impression that someone has with your business. This is crucial for customer engagement. Are your photos inviting? True-to-color? Crisp? High resolution? Are you and your team smiling genuinely and having fun in your photos? If not, let’s get started to make your brand more visible, exciting, and enticing to your ideal clientele.

Everyone Has a Brand

Even if you haven’t been overt with your or your company’s branding, you probably already have branding impressions. Take a look at your social media accounts. When someone refers you or your business, one of the first things they’ll do is go to socials to find out more. So if you don’t already have the basics: website, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, or Linked-In, this is your sign that it’s time. Then, Google yourself. Google your business. Where do you show up when googling your industry and/or geographic location? If it’s low on the listing results, it’s time to make some changes. As Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Competition Creates Infinite Choices

Why do you need to control your brand? Because competition creates infinite choices. You need to connect with your potential clients through your brand. One of the first steps is to lay out your “Branding Message.”

  • What’s your VISION (clear plan and brand boundaries)?
  • What’s your MISSION (what do you expect to achieve short- and long-term)?
  • What’s your VALUE PROPOSITION (what makes you different from your competition)?
  • What’s your TARGET CLIENT (who do you want to serve or buy your product)?
  • What’s your TAG LINE (what’s a statement that can appeal and attract your ideal clients)?
Social Media Branding: Consistency + Clarity + Character

Being consistent with your brand is key. As prospective clients see your brand repeatedly, they’re more likely to keep you and your business top of mind. For your website and social media, you want unique content–make your posts compelling and share-worthy. Remember, don’t just talk about yourself, don’t be pushy, and don’t be overly-promotional all the time. Appeal to your audience through graphics, facts, figures, and why they may need what you provide. Aside from posting, you’ll want to engage on social media–comment on others’ profiles, give likes, start conversations, share and re-post their content, join groups, roll out polls, and definitely tag other high-influencers or community members with large followings. Remain consistent throughout all your social media channels with the same tone of voice, colors, slogan, catch phrase, signs off, fonts, visual styles, and handles.

Being clear and concise in your social media branding is important. Be clear about what you offer and keep it simple when promoting. Use links in your post that draw people back to your website. Use social media to show how you and your company are different from the competition. Share with your audience the character of you and your team with imagery, testimonials, and graphics that show awards or ways in which you and your team have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Remember to be genuine, and even try to spark a few laughs through storytelling. Finally, watch out for distractions or alienation–if you have a personal belief that you’d like to share, keep in mind that some of our audience may feel differently (and watch out for this on your personal social media pages as well).

Why Hire a Professional Photographer for Your Branding Images?

Branding yourself and your business through photography includes hiring a professional for a suite of images that represents you visually. Your images should fit your identity through colors, tones, props, sets, and clothing. If you’re an artist or performer, include images of you in action. If you’re an attorney, educator, realtor, or insurance agent, include photos of you in conversation with clients, in the spaces where you’d normally operate. Here are the top reasons you should hire a professional for your branding images (and yes, this is more than just a headshot):

  1. You only get one chance at first impressions. We live in a fast-paced world. You need a way to stand out that defines you. The right styling conveys quality and tells your story.
  2. You gain trust through imagery. A good image conveys your brand and your story quickly–and that alone builds trust. Constantly seeing your images reminds clients about you. The more the see you, the more you’ll gain their trust
  3. Branding photos can show what sets you apart. What really sets your business apart from the rest? YOU! Good branding images gives your client a reason to care about your brand, your business, and your products. This makes clients feel a part of something bigger than themselves–and helps them SEE the product or “producer” of what they are buying.
  4. Branding photos help you convert clients. Good photography with well executed on-brand imagery drives sales and helps you convert potential clients into actual clients
  5. A picture is worth a thousand words. With a photo, you get 2.3 times more engagement on facebook and 1.5 times more engagement on Twitter than words alone.
  6. Because you’re worth it! You’ve worked hard. You deserve to look beautiful and feel amazing; to share what you’ve poured your heart into. Showcase yourself and be proud.
What Types of Businesses Need Brand Photography?

ALL OF THEM. Whether you’re a sole proprietor, corporation, small business, brick and mortar, MLM, a nonprofit, for-profit, writer, blogger, or even photographer yourself, you need professional branding images. When is a good time to invest in brand photography? Anytime! You’ll want branding images when you’re launching your website, re-branding, had a physical transformation, added new staff or team members, or if you’re offering a new product or platform. Many businesses book quarterly, semi-annually, or yearly. Here are few examples of where you’ll use your branding images:

  • Social media profile and cover photos
  • Graphics on paid advertisement
  • Introductions in webinars or in Zoom meetings
  • PR or media press packages
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Social media feeds, stories, and reels
  • Email signatures
  • Team pages of your website
  • Billboards
  • Rack cards & postcards
  • About Us pages on your website
  • Business Cards
  • Client Thank You notes
  • Artwork in your office
  • Sales packages, marketing magnets, and flyers
Tips for Choosing Your Branding Photographer

Now that you’re ready to book your branding images, be sure to find the best photographer for you. Inquire of their flexibility, locations they shoot, and their overall style. Ask about their copy-write statement and if they’ll give you and/or your company release for use. Be sure to check the number of images in the package they are offering, how many outfits you’ll be able to have, and how long the session will be. What’s their editing style (you’ll want true-to-color images for branding). Ask if you get to choose the raw images that get edited so you can select your positioning, facial expressions, and locations. Inquire of their image resolution, if they shoot manually, how long they’ve been in business, and their turn-around time. Finally, check on delivery methods and overall experience in doing branding photos.

So now… go to and book your branding session today! Together, we’ll determine your budget and number of images you need, discuss locations and style, and finalize all the important details necessary to get you the best branding images for your company!