Deadline to Comment on Transit Plan Fast Approaching

A transportation plan for northern Johnson County has now been drafted, and you and your employees to have only until 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20, to submit comments and potentially help shape the plan.
“Your input is important and can help determine the direction of the plan for years to come,” said Aspire President and CEO Christian Maslowski. Aspire encourages you as a member of the Johnson County business community to review the plan and provide comment before the deadline.”
Maslowski added that studying and implementing plans for transportation and transit corridors is a strategy to help boost site development for catalyst projects, one of the goals of Aspire’s 5-year Economic Development Strategic Plan.
“The Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization initiated the Northern Johnson County Transit Plan to understand existing transportation trends and explore potential transportation goals for Northern Johnson County,” according to the MPO website. Pleasant, White River and Clark townships in northern Johnson County are eligible to submit comments.
The plan is currently under development and is set to be completed before the end of 2021. When finalized, it will contain information on existing commuting, population and employment trends, revenue projections and potential transportation networks. The planning team is engaging members of the public, current transportation users and local stakeholders throughout the planning process.
The plan can be reviewed here.
Here’s how to submit your comments:
- by email to
- by phone to 317.327.5646
- by voicemail at 317.327.5646
- by mail to 200 East Washington Street, Suite 2322, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204 (mail must be received by 5 p.m. ET October 20)
- in person (call to schedule a time to review or discuss the plan)
“Providing safe, reliable and convenient transportation is critical to the business success of northern Johnson County,” Maslowski concluded.