Employers Engage with HR Experts at Aspire’s First People + Progress Forum

By Aspire Economic Development + Chamber Alliance | | 6.25.24

On June 20th, Aspire held its first People + Progress Forum presented by Tilson HR at the Valle Vista Golf & Conference Center. Aspire added this workshop to its calendar this year in response to the workforce challenges facing member businesses and HR professionals.

“We know talent, talent, and talent are the biggest factors for businesses in deciding where to go, where to expand, or how to stay open,” said Angela Vandersteen, Vice President of Investor Development & Relations at Aspire. “We knew we had to do more to develop the people who are most directly impacted by talent issues and who have the most influence in developing their talent - managers and supervisors, business owners, and human resource professionals.”

The half-day forum focused on addressing these challenges while providing training and continuing education. The forum featured an expert panel discussion and four breakout sessions all relating to different issues employers and HR professionals are facing in labor relations and workforce development.

The forum opened with a panel discussion on the future of THC legalization in Indiana and the steps employers can take to update and improve their drug screening policies for current and future employees.

The panel included Dr. David Dunkle of Johnson Memorial Health, Andrea Munn from Tilson HR and Julia Saltsgaver of Quality Connection. Dr. Dunkle discussed the effects of marijuana use on the human body and how it may influence people at work, while Saltsgaver and Munn delved into areas such as drug testing methods, workplace policies, employee management, and legal compliance.

Attendees broke up into two groups after the panel with one group leaving the room to attend Session A: “Effective Onboarding: Crafting Realistic Strategies”. The session featured guest speaker MeChelle Callen of EquiTable who delved into practical approaches for designing realistic onboarding experiences for seamless integration and long-term success.

The rest of the attendees stayed in the panel room to attend Session B, “Maximizing Your Team’s Potential: Strategies for Employee Development and Investment”. This session had Laura Hayes of Ground Rules Coaching present key strategies for nurturing careers, both within the company and beyond, while emphasizing the importance of investing in people.

After sessions A and B concluded, attendees gathered and networked during the break. Outside of the panel discussion and sessions were tables set up by various Aspire member businesses who exchanged resources and information.

Aspire’s School to Work Specialist, Jennifer Hollingshead, was also tabling at the event and shared some of Aspire’s workforce development resources with attendees including information on the summer teacher field trip program to bring educators and employers together for student job opportunities.

After the break, two more breakout sessions began. Session C, “Optimizing Healthcare Benefits: A Guide for Employers and Employees”, featured an informative talk by Nicole Fallowfield from Gibson on strategies for optimizing healthcare benefits, particularly in three primary areas: 1. explaining benefits to employees, 2. encouraging utilization, and 3. promoting wellness initiatives.

Session D featured guest speakers Joe Pellman from the Indy Chamber and Jeremy York of InvigorateHR who gave an engaging talk on “Embracing Generational Diversity: Strategies for Engaging Generation Z in the Workplace.”

York discussed the demographic changes in the next generation of new employees in the workforce pipeline and many of the new workplace values and cultures that Gen Zers will be looking for when finding jobs.

Pellman provided data and statistics on the changing landscape of work and the need for newer and more innovative approaches to content creation, something Gen Zers may be uniquely positioned to excel in.

The forum concluded with Jennifer Hollingshead presenting Aspire’s efforts and programs in workforce and human resource development to employers and members of the HR industry at the event.

Many attendees remained to do some final networking. Tricia Bowen, Aspire’s Investor Events and Relations Executive recorded a high turnout and is looking forward to continuing the People + Progress Forum in the future.