Aspire volunteers played a pivotal role in the adoption of a new Johnson County Trails Master Plan. The new plan will encourage the development and use of pedestrian/bicycle trails within and between the county's many cities, towns and destinations.
Promoting Connectivity Within Our Community
Welcome to Explore Johnson County Trails, an initiative of Aspire Economic Development + Chamber Alliance that began as a Leadership Johnson County team project.
Multi-modal transportation has become more than a buzz-phrase. It is now an integral piece of connectivity.
The creation of every mile of new trail means a child has a safe place to ride his or her bike, a family can walk together creating bonds and memories, a business can offer their employees a mental health break from the job and residents can feel the side effects of a healthy walking habit.
Aspire Johnson County created a Trails Team of local business and health stakeholders and volunteers to lead the walking and biking trails movement throughout our community.


A comprehensive, county-wide trails system will make the county's cities, towns and landmarks more connected and more accessible by more means of travel.
A comprehensive trails system will provide new opportunities for healthy, positive family time; new educational activities for our county's youth and schools; and new ways to gather and celebrate community events.
An accessible, county-wide trails system will increase opportunities for exercise and recreation for all county residents and will lower the county's near-total dependence on the automobile.
With a plan in place to prioritize, choose and delineate locations for trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, and connector junctions, the county be able to safely accommodate existing and future pedestrians and bicyclists.
Economic Development
A comprehensive trails system will make the county more attractive to potential residents and businesses, as homebuyers increasingly are adding trails to their must-have list, and many businesses intentionally seek out communities that are walkable and bikeable.
This useful, dynamic and accurate map of trails through Johnson County, Indiana uses ArcGIS technology and is updated by local government entities. For a more detailed map, scroll along the key and select a community trail name.
Thank you for visiting the Johnson County Trails Plan.
The final plan was approved by the Johnson County Commissioners and was adopted in August of 2019.
The final plan serves as a vision for trail development over the next 25 to 30 years. It is a vision that will increase property values, attract businesses, attract residents, help retain the younger generation, promote agricultural tourism, increase the overall health of the community, and increase community pride.
The plan does NOT assess the technical feasibility of placing trails in particular locations, and it does NOT provide construction details for trails. The plan is intended to provide a broad vision for trail locations and design guidelines for trail construction. The plan is not “set in stone” and should be reviewed periodically as development occurs throughout the county.
Please check back often to see progress on the plan and how you can provide feedback.
Johnson County Trails and Aspire, in cooperation with Johnson County, are developing a county-wide trails plan that will connect communities, parks, schools, businesses, retail and dining and government facilities.
Aspire applied for an Opus grant through the Johnson County Community Foundation and received $40,000 to create the plan.
This plan helps improve non-motorized accessibility, promote safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and make Johnson County a more enjoyable place to live and visit.
This growing need for alternative transportation has risen for several reasons. Personal economics, a movement to become a healthier society, increased safety for children (that cannot drive yet), adults that want the option of depending less on their car, and an ever-increasing elderly population are driving this trend.
Plan Contributors
Johnson County Trails, Aspire Johnson County, and Johnson County would like to thank and recognize those organizations and individuals that have contributed to the creation of the Johnson County Master Trails Plan.
Pay it Forward Johnson County: Rock the Block Run
185 Promotions
Don Cummings and Toni Traylor
Horizon Bank
Jeff and Sharon Beck
Johnson County REMC
Lisa Lintner Valenzuela
Mallow Run Winery
Opus Community Foundation
Need for the Plan
In the U.S, 30 percent of the population currently does not drive a motor vehicle
- Children
- Elderly
- People physically unable to drive
- People that are financially unable to afford the cost and maintenance of a vehicle
- Increasing population who chose to use alternative transportation for its economic, environmental, and health benefits
Health Facts
- For every $1 spent in trail / bicycle infrastructure, $3 in direct medical costs are saved
- Adults should participate in moderate activity for at least 150 minutes a week (30 minutes a day x 5 days per week)
- 30 minutes of walking each day can prevent diabetes
- In the state of Indiana, 30% of adults are considered obese
- In the state of Indiana 16% of teenagers are considered obese
- Sedentary lifestyles are on the increase
- In 1969 the percentage of school children walking to school was 48%
- Today the percentage of school children walking to school is 13%
- Studies show that kids who walk or bike to school arrive ready to learn and more focused
- Workers who walk or bike to work are more productive and more focused
Traits of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Community
- Better quality of life for citizens of the community
- Improved economic development
- Improved environmental benefits
- Improved health benefits
Goals and Objectives
- Create connections between the communities of Greenwood, Franklin, White River Township, New Whiteland, Bargersville, Trafalgar, and Edinburgh within Johnson County
- Be ready for future funding opportunities when they present themselves
- Identify future Safe Routes to Schools opportunities
- Enhance community connections to neighborhoods, parks, schools, businesses, retail and dining, and government facilities
- Increase the number of people that exercise daily by providing safe walking and biking experiences for citizens of all ages and levels of ability
- Increase the number of people walking and bicycling for everyday transportation purposes such as commuting to work, to school and running errands
- Increase the quality of life for the residents of Johnson County in an effort to retain current citizens and attract new citizens
- Provide guidance and priorities for implementing infrastructure to support walking and bicycling with a broad range of funding and support
- Increase eco-tourism in Johnson County by attracting people that are looking for recreational activities in the region
Contact Us
Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact us.
Carmen Parker
David Hittle, Director, Johnson County Zoning and Planning