Franciscan Health Fresh Start Market Offers Healthy Food Options for those in need on the Southside

By Franciscan Health | | 2.10.25

Franciscan Health’s Fresh Start Market near the Indianapolis campus helps families in need throughout Marion and Johnson counties and offers a reliable source to shop and pick out healthy foods.

The Fresh Start Market is available to residents in need of food assistance and provides proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains and various other healthy options to individuals and families.

“The Fresh Start Market is all about creating a dignified space where families shop for and select free, quality, perishable and non-perishable goods, similar to if they were shopping at a grocery store or a farmers market,” said Danielle Crowder, director of Community Health Improvement for Franciscan Health. “This experience encourages self-sufficiency and behavior change for positive health outcomes.”

Research shows that having healthy food options benefits communities in numerous ways. Having nutritious food options available is just as important as having a constant food supply for those in need.

“We believe the Fresh Start Market approach works because it stresses accessibility and cultural dietary preferences,” Crowder said. “For example, Burmese patrons can select from foods they are familiar with. Selecting from healthy foods that our clients know and love is a winning recipe.”

The Fresh Start Market functions with the help of dedicated volunteers, many of whom are Franciscan employees. The market is also funded through grants, charitable gifts and partnerships with the Franciscan Health Foundation.

The Fresh Start Market is open from 2 to 5 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month. Please note, proof of Indiana residency is required for entry.

The Fresh Start Market Food Pantry is located in the Franciscan Health Sierra Building at 1040 Sierra Drive in Greenwood.

For more information, please call (317) 528-6066.