Help Lead Aspire’s Community Development Efforts

Volunteer leaders are essential to Aspire’s success in workforce pipeline development, planning, entrepreneurship, diversity and inclusion, civic-mindedness, and more. If you are passionate about community development, or any of these topics, Aspire would love to hear from you. We are looking for volunteers to co-chair monthly volunteer community development team meetings and work alongside the Aspire staff on projects that help advance our economic strategic plan.
Shared team co-chair responsibilities include:
- Draft monthly meeting agendas and team meeting minutes
- Help coordinate meeting locations
- Work on projects related to Aspire’s Economic Strategic plan
- Communicate with team volunteers
- Report team progress at Community Matters events
The time needed ranges from 4 to 8 hours per month.
Learn more about our Community Engagement team, Growth + Planning Team, and Talent Attraction + Retention team here:
If you have questions or would like to apply, contact Jennifer Hollingshead at: