Home Bank Employee Announces Retirement

Vickie Clark has announced her retirement from Home Bank after 13 years with the company. Vickie began her banking career in 1990, and most recently served as a commercial loan processor for Home Bank. Vickie served on the Home Bank Gifting Committee and co-led fundraising for United Way of Central Indiana for the bank.
She continues to remain active in the community where she is a member of the Ten O’Clock Line chapter of the DAR, and a past member of the board of directors for Churches in Mission. She plans to travel and spend more time with her family in retirement.
Home Bank SB was chartered in 1890 as a mutual institution which essentially means that it is owned by its depositors. Without private ownership or stockholders, the bank’s profits are allocated entirely to its capital reserves, resulting in greater fiscal strength and resources for community support. Home Bank serves South Central Indiana with offices in Morgan, Hendricks, and Johnson Counties.