JCCF Hosts Capacity Building Workshops and Grants

By Aspire Economic Development + Chamber Alliance | | 6.4.24

The Johnson County Community Foundation (JCCF) has launched its ElevateImpact initiative, a series of capacity-building workshops aimed at strengthening nonprofit organizations and their leaders in Johnson County.

“Aspire has been attending these and has found them to be very beneficial,” said Amanda Rubadue, Vice President of Economic Development at Aspire.

“JCCF has always been a great community partner,” she added. “Their leadership in the ElevateImpact capacity building workshops and grants will make a huge impact on our nonprofits and those they serve.”

Funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc., the ElevateImpact initiative features a six-part training series designed to equip nonprofit leaders with essential tools for driving positive change.

“The series will cover topics such as Board Recruitment and Engagement, Effective Strategic Planning and Strategic Planning Implementation, Evaluating Data, and Using Data to Tell Your Story,” said Stephanie Marten, Vice President of Development at JCCF.

“Participants will gain industry insights, discover innovative solutions, and have peer learning opportunities throughout the year.”

Although the cohort for the ElevateImpact Series is full for 2024, Marten indicated plans to potentially offer another series next year due to the program's success.

“If a nonprofit is interested in participating, they can reach out to the Foundation, and we will put them on a list,” she said.

In addition to the workshops, JCCF is also introducing the Capital and Capacity Grant cycle, which opens on June 5, 2024.

“This grant cycle is focused on capital and capacity projects and requires a 1:1 match from the organizations that are awarded,” said Marten.

“The goal is to have new philanthropic dollars raised to fund projects that normally fall outside our normal grant cycles. Projects can include structures like buildings, renovations, equipment, and human capital or staff positions.”

Applications for the Capital and Capacity Grant are due by July 1, 2024, at 4 p.m.

“The Foundation will consider the organization’s sustainability plan, the overall impact on the organization, and the ability to raise the match,” said Marten.

The JCCF is available to answer any questions regarding either the workshops or grant program and can reach out to Marten at stephaniew@jccf.org or visit www.jccf.org