Meet Your Ambassador: Dustin Coar, Express Employment Professionals

Meet Aspire Ambassador Dustin Coar with Express Employment Professionals. Dustin has been an ambassador for over 6 years. Here are some things to know about Dustin:
- When did you become an Ambassador?
Fall of 2018 - How has being an Ambassador been beneficial to you and/or your company?
It helps me connect with people in the community that consistently have shown to know someone who needs help finding the next step in their career, or work for a company that needs help finding the right person. - Why did you want to become an Ambassador?
To help connect others to grow in their personal or professional lives. - Do you have a favorite memory as an Ambassador? Please share.
One doesn’t stand out, but I thoroughly enjoy that I have seen Coffee Connections grow from 10ish people to 80-100 every month. I remember when we fit in the back room of Coffeehouse Five. - What advice do you have for professionals trying to connect with other professionals or what is your favorite networking tip?
Listen more than you talk. You never know what nugget you can pick up on that can help you connect with an individual or maybe connect someone that you know to them. - What was your first job?
Front counter at McDonald’s. - What is something you like to do outside of work? Do you have any hobbies?
I help run JoCo – which is a Disc Golf community within Johnson County. We have 3 league nights every week in March – October, and host multiple tournaments throughout the year. - What is your favorite vacation and why?
Anywhere warm and by the ocean. I really wanted to be a Marine Biologist. - What makes you a raving fan of Aspire?
Aspires ability to help bring new companies to Johnson County has helped provide variety to employment options to growing diverse communities. This in return helps drive economic growth throughout.
Thank you so much, Dustin, for caring for your fellow members and their development with Aspire