Meet Your Ambassador: Julia Reynolds, Greenwood Public Library

Meet Aspire Ambassador Julia Reynolds with Greenwood Public Library! Julia has been an ambassador for one year. Here are some things to know about Julia:
1. As an ambassador of 1 year, how has it been beneficial to you and your business?
By being at various Aspire events, I am helping keep Greenwood Public Library active in the business and government community. When people see me and think of the library, they become interested in our programs, events, and fundraising and become engaged. I have met business leaders who invested in the library simply because they became more aware of what we offer the community.
2. What excites you about being an ambassador?
The engagement with the community! Nothing excites me more than meeting business owners at a ribbon cutting, being a familiar face to community leaders, and guiding new Aspire members into the potential of their membership. And the knowledge that I have something to offer other members drives me to pursue new business relationships.
3. Can you remember a favorite moment during your time as an Ambassador that sticks with you?
At my very first Coffee Connections at Ella’s Frozen Yogurt (Summer 2022), I didn’t know any Aspire members, so I planted myself by the coffee table and tried to look important. Fast forward a year to Coffee Connections at Rascal’s Fun Zone and as I am working at the registration table, I realize that I can now check in most of the guests even before they make it to the table. It made me pause and think of what a difference a year in Aspire can make!
4. What advice do you have for professionals trying to connect with other professionals?
You can’t make connections if you don’t TRY to connect! So, attend the events, hand out business cards, engage in conversation, and ask questions. Connection will happen as long as you make a little effort.
5. Do you have any good networking tricks or habits you have that have worked for you when you are networking?
Take advantage of people’s business cards! Write on the backs of the cards any details you want to remember for the next time you see them. Did they mention how long they’ve worked at the company? Their favorite hobbies? Their family? You don’t want to repeat your questions to someone with every visit, so jot down some reminders for a refresh before your next networking event.
6. What is your favorite color?
Hunter Green
7. Tell us something you love to do as a hobby or a favorite vacation spot.
I love camping, decorating for the holidays and trying out Pioneer Woman recipes.
8. What is your favorite thing about Aspire?
Aspire reminds me that I’m not done yet. It pushes me to engage with business/government/non-profit leaders, exposes new ways for me to get involved in the community, and validates my passion for our county.
Thank you so much, Julia, for caring for your fellow members and their development with Aspire.