Organizations Receive Funding to Further Their Work in the Johnson County Community through the Johnson County Community Foundations 2022 Big Impact Unrestricted Cycle

The Johnson County Community Foundation (JCCF) recently awarded a total of $204,600.00 to support the vital work of organizations that are responding to the many needs in the Johnson County community. In the first half of 2022, JCCF entertained applications for community minded, collaborative programming. Grant awards include funding for arts/culture, community & economic development, education, seniors and health & human services programs.
The Foundation grants committee selected eight organizations to receive a grant during the 2022 Bigs Unrestricted Granting cycle. The Bigs cycle required that requests be no less than $20,000.00 and no more than $30,000.00 for any one proposed program.
JCCF manages an extensive Grants Program. The annual program offers grants to nonprofit organizations for charitable programs and projects in Johnson County, Indiana or serving Johnson County residents. The 2022 Bigs grant awards reflect the Foundation’s mission to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Johnson County.
A complete list of grant recipients can be found below and at

Photo by Maleta Schmidt